
Art transcends form. Great Art transcends form greatly. If "significant form" indeed exists perhaps it exists as a perfect essence through which Art reveals itself when informed intent is conveyed perfectly through skilled expression.

After my last missive about George Condo's advanced goofiness, dozens of emails remarked about art relating to the art of others. Art about art is in tsunami-mode these days. The wave made me want to say a few words about Cesar Santos.

Possibly one of the best art exhibitions that I've seen in recent months is presently on view at the Oxenberg Fine Art gallery in Wynwood... for a few more weeks only. Artist Cesar Santos has achieved a coup with his amazing artistic palette, masterful brush strokes, whimsical winks at the viewers and a blissful acknowledgement towards dozens of old masters.

Los jovenes pintores que nacieron en la segunda mitad del siglo XX son herederos de una tradicion de cinco siglos de pintura naturalista y de una ruptura de esta tradicion durante el siglo XX, a favor de soluciones que de alguna manera empalman con las formas del arte prerrenacentista y tribal.